Open Design P2P

This is an ongoing mapping of many projects and initiatives that have been netweaved with Open Design P2P. Map can be accessed here: https://kumu.io/samara/experiencias-lins

Co-creating solutions within communities

#OpenP2PDesign is an open initiative, weaved within E2GLATS, a network with a soul for stirring perceptions and creating new peer-to-peer realities through interactions among people.

E2GLATS is all about open knowledge, open social technologies, open internet, commons culture, community-led farming, and much more. Open Peer-to-Peer Design came up as an exploration of means to co-create realities and solutions from within the communities we are in relationship with.

Through these interactions, several initiatives have been created, such as: collaborative spaces, co-living houses, community gardens, projects to share idle books/clothes, etc.

I wrote a book chapter about this project. The book can be downloaded here.

I co-initiated this movement of exploration in 2012, and since then extensive experimentation on different ways to cocreate within communities has been happening. It's an ongoing process.

Banda Larga Comunitária: workshop about how to build your own community internet provider, with Marcelo Saldanha

Some Iniciatives

Ideas for a distributed library of Cordel (type of poetry from northeastern Brazil)
A project to netweave collaboration, learning and health care among elderly
Community garden at Complexo do Lins
‍Community garden at Complexo do Lins
Mini-bibliotecas Livres: book sharing in spaces where small business owners take ownership and animate the book sharing and reading
Casa Café Livreoteca, at Complexo do Alemão. Initialized by Letícia Santos
Collaborative space at the Community Association, at Cachoeira Grande, Complexo do Lins, Rio de Janeiro.
Community newspaper "A voz do Lins de Vasconcelos"
Casa Livre do Altinho: coliving and convivial space in Complexo do Lins

Exhibition in Folkemødet (People’s Meeting), Denmark

Denmark holds every year a Political Festival called Folkemødet (People’s Meeting), self-organized by citizens and the municipality of Bornholm. During this festival in 2015, the initiatives #OpenDesignP2P and #MiniBiblitocasLivres were presented in the exhibition “Democractic Design Experiments”, organized by the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (KADK). Exhibition was also presented at the codesign studio in KADK, Copenhagen.

All Recent Work