Endless is a Silicon Valley company focused on technology and education that has created their own Operating System and hardware with a specific public in mind: low income people who have difficulties accessing the internet.
In this research project, we set out to gain a deeper understanding of who their potential users are and what real value the internet brings to them, so Endless would be able to make decisions regarding which apps they should be working on, and how they should design it.
Together with their team, we defined the scope and objectives of the research and conducted qualitative research in rural and urban contexts and within a variety of age groups. We combined contextual qualitative interviews and observations, most of it in users’ homes, and used a combination of techniques such as generative sessions and mapping emotional associations. An extensive analysis of the data collected, made jointly with the in-house team, was key to the process as it not only allowed the team to contribute with their knowledge, but to internalize insights and become stewards of the outcomes within the company.
During the project we also trained their Rio de Janeiro in-house design team in Design Research and included the team throughout the research process.
As a result, we delivered an incredibly rich material with: