#OpenP2PDesign is an open initiative, weaved within E2GLATS, a network with a soul for stirring perceptions and creating new peer-to-peer realities through interactions among people.
E2GLATS is all about open knowledge, open social technologies, open internet, commons culture, community-led farming, and much more. Open Peer-to-Peer Design came up as an exploration of means to co-create realities and solutions from within the communities we are in relationship with.
Through these interactions, several initiatives have been created, such as: collaborative spaces, co-living houses, community gardens, projects to share idle books/clothes, etc.
I wrote a book chapter about this project. The book can be downloaded here.
I co-initiated this movement of exploration in 2012, and since then extensive experimentation on different ways to cocreate within communities has been happening. It's an ongoing process.
Denmark holds every year a Political Festival called Folkemødet (People’s Meeting), self-organized by citizens and the municipality of Bornholm. During this festival in 2015, the initiatives #OpenDesignP2P and #MiniBiblitocasLivres were presented in the exhibition “Democractic Design Experiments”, organized by the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (KADK). Exhibition was also presented at the codesign studio in KADK, Copenhagen.